Forest products research directorate

Forest Products Research Directorate

Forest resources are important resources for the livelihood of human societies. Ethiopian timber and non-timber forest products play an important role in the different communities. Despite the

Dr. Shasho Megerssa, Director, Forest Products Research Directorate

availability of information on the types of these forest resources, knowledge and technology on harvesting, post-harvest handling and utilization is limited. Use potential and technological methods of processing on the non-timber forest products have not been exhaustively done and documented. Research that has been done on characterization of timber, the timber products and engineered wood for proper design and utilization is scanty. Technologies and knowledge generated so far with regard to bio-based energy and bio-chemical analysis of forest resources is also limited. In general, there is a great need to carry out research in the above mentioned areas with the aim to generate technology and knowledge that will solve prioritized problems and help to effectively and sustainably utilize the forest resources.

Forest products utilization research directorate is one of the research directorate in Ethiopian forestry development that is mandated to carry out research on forest products utilization. The major aim of the forest products research directorate is to generate relevant technologies and knowledge that would enable efficient and sustainable utilization of forest resources. Two research projects (1) non-timber forest products research project and (2) timber products research project are organized under the forest products research program. The directorate focuses on the NTFPs (bamboo & palm; gum, resin & latex; wild fruits & other edible and medicinal resources; and other NTFPs). Timber forest products characterization and utilization research focuses on timber and engineered wood product characterization and utilization. The bio-based energy and bio-chemical research focuses on the energy and chemical aspects of the forest resources.

Contact address

Shasho Megersa (PhD)

  • Director, Forest Products Research Directorate
  • E-mail: – Or
  • Mobile Phone: +251 911 316884

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