Green Legacy and Plantation Forest CEO
The Green Legacy and Plantation Forest Chief Executive is structured under Ethiopian Forestry Development (EFD) with five desks, which are 1. Forest Land Supply and Infrastructure Development Desk 2. Degraded Land Restoration and Green Legacy Desk 3. Production and Urban Forestry Desk 4. Bamboo Development and
Technology Desk 5. Small and Agroforestry Agriculture Development Desk.
The main duties and responsibilities of Green Legacy and Plantation Forest Chief Executive are as follows:
First, follow up the regions and city administrations coordinate with the relevant stakeholders to identify the planting areas that are suitable for planting and provide professional support and monitoring so that the identified planting areas can be with GPS coordinates and maps.
Secondly, by providing professional support and supervision to the regions and city administrations, collect quality tree seeds from the mother trees, that are identified as seed sources.
Thirdly, by supporting the materials needed for government model nurseries sites and providing professional support and supervision to the regions and city administrations private, associations, communities, private and government institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations nurseries sites are rises quality seedlings for the purposes of fuel consumption, industrial input, environmental conservation, construction input, small and agroforestry agriculture development. According to the purposes of seedling, prepare planting pits before planting, timely and carefully transportation system to minimize the loss of seedlings and plant seedlings on mapped and GPS coordinated planting areas. In addition replant dry and damaged seedlings after planting, and also follow up weeding and weeding operations.
Fourthly, follow up the regions and city administrations work of the Bamboo Development and Technology. It is to increase the coverage of the bamboo forest by developing a system of operations, implementing a bamboo strategy and action plan, expanding the bamboo industry at the national level, providing professional support and coordination, and identifying technologies for the development and use of bamboo, and meeting the favorable conditions for investment in the bamboo development and technology. In addition Ethiopia has pledge in various international meetings regarding the forest landscape restoration, therefor, Green Legacy and Plantation Forest Chief Executive follow up and coordinate the regions and city administrations in various governmental and non-governmental organizations and provide financial and material support to restored and recover the degraded lands through assisted natural regeneration, afforestation and reforestation and area closure.
Fifth, providing relevant idea and working together with the appropriate body to prepare strategies, directives, proclamations and regulations that can strengthen and improve green legacy and plantation forest development by putting them into operation, by supporting and monitoring the expansion of plantation forest development, by researching and identifying issues that require correction of gaps in implementation. In order to ensure that the forest development and protection work is carried out according to the prepared strategy and plan, it develops a method to work in coordination with the relevant stakeholders, private, community, associations, governmental and non-governmental institutions and organizations engaged in forestry development, and develops a system of operations in which the forest developer develops with its legally recognized and protected property.
Sixth, preparing and disseminating forest development and protection technology packages that enable the proper use of indigenous and foreign knowledge practices and technologies, by developing a method for the introduction of suitable technologies for the expansion of modern plantation forestry, by making recommendations and new technologies that help to develop plantation forests, and by making the work of introducing new technologies from out of the country, the study of the best technologies that have been taken into the country.
Contact address
Aberu Tena Abebe,
Green Legacy and Plantation Forest Chief Executive Officer
- Email:
- Mobil Phone: +251912278296
- Office Phone: +251111704044